Apktool 2.0.0 RC4 Released
Apktool 2.0.0 RC4 has been released. I was going to tag this version as 2.0 Gold, but since RC3 introduced a completely written aapt that caused a plethora of errors. I've decided to hold another release candidate.
This released contained 47 commits by 6 people. 27 of the commits belonging to the updated smali release. Notable in this release is the fix that aapt introduced with implictly adding qualifiers. This caused resource directories to change from drawable-hdpi
to drawable-hdpi-v11
as an example. This in theory shouldn't of broken anything, but bug reports proved otherwise.
Since Apktool isn't your "first" tool to build an APK. I determined it was best to just skip this step of adding qualifiers. 0xD34D from Cyanogen helped me figure that out.
Changes since RC3
- Updated to smali/baksmali 2.0.5
- [#685] - Fixed select invalid attrs from Lollipop APKs
- [#713] - Added support for APKs that utilized Shared Resources
- [#329] - Fixed issue identifying strings that were named liked filepaths as
- [#590] - Fixed isolated issue with segfaulting apks
- [#545] - Fixed issue with undefined attributes
- [#702] - Fixed invalid treating of
which caused duplicate resources - [#744] - Fixed ugly warnings of "Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile...."
- [#757] - Fixed downloading gradle over http, instead of https
- [#402] - Fixed issue with framework storage when user has no access to
There was no framework update in RC4, but if RC4 is your first version please delete the file at $HOME/apktool/framework/1.apk
before trying RC4.
- Apktool 2.0.0 RC4 - md5
- Rename to
and follow Instruction Guide if you need help.
- Rename to