Ramblings of a Tampa engineer

Apktool v2.0.3 has been released! This release fixes a multitude of bugs along with including a fix for apks that have a sparse resource table and updating smali to 2.1.0.

Additionally, v2.0.3 will emit a warning if using SmaliDebugging. For more information on this matter, please view the bug report here.

This release had 36 commits by 4 people.

  • Connor Tumbleson (iBotPeaches) - 33 commits
  • rover12421 - 1 commit
  • CzBiX - 1 commit
  • Zou Junhua (zoujunhua86) - 1 commit

Changes since 2.0.2

  • smali project changes from 2.0.8 to 2.1.0 - here
  • Move smali to git submodule for easier updates.
  • [#1053] Fixed issue with too long command due to large amount of uncompressed files.
  • [#1060] Fixed bad casting issue between ResStringValue and ResAttr.
  • [#957, #1063] Fixed bad casting issue between ResStyleValue and ResAttr.
  • Prevent greedy additional .dex finder from pulling .dex files outside of apk root.
  • [#1056] Fixed issue with echo in helper scripts.
  • [#1072] Fixed issue with mnc1 qualifier.
  • [#1084] Fixed issue with apks that have a 28 byte ResConfig size. (Thanks rover)
  • [#1099] Cleaned up code base to match AOSP naming.
  • [#964, #1031] Fixed issue with APKs that had sparse ResourceTable.
  • Added support for DATA_NULL_EMPTY
  • Added support for API23 mnc values. They are no longer zero padded.
  • [#767] Fixed issue where large int values in AndroidManifest.xml were truncated due to overflow. (Thanks gio73 and MarcMil)
  • [#1014] Added decode support for Dexguard Enterprise applications.
  • Simply creates dummy key value names to prevent duplicate resource error.


If this is your first v2.x release. Please read the migration instructions.


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