The anger of a few.

Every workday I head to the office roughly around the same time and this has led me to recognizing the patterns of school buses, other neighbors leaving and a few common cars you always see on the road around the same time.
I see one car near every day which is this little white sedan that drives like an absolute manic no matter the day. I'm talking horn usage daily, rushing around cars and flooring it in turn lanes to cut in front of those going straight each morning.
In return of that behavior we have a barrage of horns in retaliation and upset people leading to some rough traffic congestion and I believe this is solely due to 1 individual and 1 car each and every morning. I just can't fathom why this person is so angry and who did what to them to result in this behavior.
Perhaps it's the political climate or maybe they are from the era of lead gasoline. There could be a thousand reasons why someone is angry and for this specific person - I don't know why. I do know that it eats at me a little every day I'm involved in this behavior - thankfully thus far I don't retaliate and go about my business on my way to work.

Some mornings like above its a dense fog which makes visibility a bit low. In this specific part of Florida - we are still recovering from double hurricanes with the sewer system being ripped up and replaced. This means that we have a rough smell and construction vehicles all over in the morning and night so I drive a bit cautiously until I'm passed this section.
For that white sedan I guess I'm driving way too slow as they lay down the horn to just rip around me at breakneck speeds. I saw brake lights through the mist so figured I could just coast to the stoplight, but that dearly upset the white sedan. It doesn't matter the weather or construction or day - some form of this story is possible every day.
Will I crack one day and engage? A coworker showed me a video of a road rage incident he caught in Tampa where a few cars were stopped with folks outside yelling including someone shoving a gun in someone's face. We are in Florida so I guess that could be expected, but it does remind me that no traffic incident is worth getting out of my car and potentially dying from.

I wish that was the end of this rant or plea, but it isn't. It's not more than a work day later and I'm on the way home. These new walking stoplights now liter the road to provide safety to the folks that once just crossed wherever they wanted, even if a subset still cross wherever they want.
These stoplights are sadly often a joke as I see people just blow through the light, because they go yellow flashing, pure yellow, pure red, blinking red, off. Generally people only stop for hard red, but the amount of time it stays on a hard red is small so folks end up just going through the intersection.
So when someone is still making their way through the crosswalk while the light is blinking red it's scary - cars are moving except for the lane(s) awaiting for the pedestrian to cross. So with just my luck I'm sitting in the lane at the end waiting for the person to finish crossing and get a horn laid into me from behind. I don't understand - literally a person is walking across the road.
I don't get an apology when the car notices the person finish the crossing the road and we accelerate. What if that honk caused me to panic accelerate and run into the person? Quite a stretch there, but I'm getting so exhausted with a daily work drive with the anger of a few.