Ramblings of a Tampa engineer

 For this blog, I want to take a dive into more automation that helps make the blogging procedure easier. The issue was anytime I wanted to update my theme I normally had to do the following:

  1. Launch ghost locally
  2. Test/make fix against theme
  3. Package up theme
  4. Upload and set as active theme

The problem with these short steps is that it reminds me of the phpBB3 era of uploading files in order to execute plugins. So I wanted to make this process easier.

Theme as it exists - June 21, 2020

My modified theme though is quite different than what I purchased. I introduced a pre-processor so I could write sass and generate transpiled minified files. I tweaked it beyond belief to fit my use-case. So I wanted to stick with this theme, but pushing updates was quite archaic.

So I started off just cloning the repository into the blog directly and did "git pull" whenever I wanted to update it. This worked most the time, but broke occasionally when I had a file with the wrong permissions or forgot to build my production assets after a pull.

So I started writing a script, but then I wanted to automate it even further after commits to the repo.

However, I knew that Ghost itself has tons and tons of demo themes and they probably have something automated.

Deploy Ghost Theme

Sure enough I stumbled upon a GitHub Action that leveraged the API in Ghost to automatically release a theme. One minor additional step and my theme was automatically releasing to this blog.

So now a new upgraded version of this theme has been released:

  • Dropped Disqus link
  • Added "Buy me a coffee" link
  • Updated dependencies to latest

With that though, I didn't want to accidentally break my theme since it automatically deploys. Thankfully Ghost has thought of this already and built gscan (GitHub).

GScan is a tool for validating Ghost themes. It produces detailed reports of issues where themes need to be modified in order to be compatible with a specific version.

So with this tool, I attached a new test workflow to my CI process.

$ gscan --fatal --verbose .

Checking theme compatibility (fatal issues only)...

✓ Your theme has no fatal compatibility issues with Ghost 3.x

Get more help at https://ghost.org/docs/api/handlebars-themes/
You can also check theme compatibility at https://gscan.ghost.org/
Done in 1.13s.

If it returns a non-zero return code, I know something has happened with an upcoming Ghost version and I should not push these changes. It additionally just helps catches mistakes with handlebars.

So now I have a repository that mimics my theme, I would open source, but I paid money for the theme so I don't have permission to do that. I can however share the workflow I built which is below. The repository will remain private, but it has made deploying theme changes to this blog much much easier.

name: Deploy Theme
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
        name: Use Node.js
          node-version: 14
          cache: 'yarn'

      - run: yarn install

      - run: yarn run production

      - uses: TryGhost/action-deploy-theme@v1.4.1
        name: 'Deploy Ghost Theme'
          exclude: node_modules/*
          api-url: ${{ secrets.GHOST_ADMIN_API_URL }}
          api-key: ${{ secrets.GHOST_ADMIN_API_KEY }}
          theme-name: [theme-name]
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