A Year of Blogging (2019)

As 2018 ended, I had successfully blogged every week for the entire year. As we entered 2019 - I wanted to do it again. I blog whatever crosses my mind and I really have enjoyed growing a collection of thoughts. So once again, this post is set to go live on December 29, 2019 at 10:30pm.
So lets recap my favorite posts from 2019.

This post was an investigation into illegal movie sharing services. With movies "tagged" by the uploader, I took a short dive into a few popular uploaders to see what I could find.

This was a little story about a time I made a dumb mistake and burned most of the skin off my right hand climbing a rope and falling due to back pains. The story about just grabbing medical supplies from a CVS and patching myself in the parking lot.

A pretty personal post, but the culmination of months of chronic back pain that escalated to spasms, unable to safely drive and just collapsing when walking. I went through a surgery, with only a minor complication - spinal fluid leak. This post is that journey.

So after the surgery and recovery, I was obsessed with reading in details all the digital information I got from my pre-op, surgery and recovery. Things have gotten so digital that everything I got injected with and my blood stats were recorded. I started basic into research on the blood types and that led to this post.

I blogged about my Pi-hole last year and the analytics on that post were pretty crazy, so I did it again a year later with more stats. Basically, a Pi-hole blocks trackers and analytic requests so I took a look back into those allowed and blocked requests.

In the world of cryptocurrency, the name Craig Wright has been around for awhile. An individual who claimed they were behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. I don't believe it, so this post is an examination into the matter.

This post was a good discussion into why services with forced constraints are so popular. The application imaged above was only allowed to be used with under 5% battery. Twitter exploded with only allowing a small amount of text and the list goes on and on.

This post was an amazing dive into two real life treasure hunts based on books. I was gifted the first book, but was too young to solve any of the puzzles within. This post takes a look at the 2nd iteration of the series and how it unforunately never began.

This post was about the Internet mystery Cicada 3301. This time I took a look at the first puzzle, which was difficult to explain as it went from digital to real world. My goal is the finish the series of puzzles in future blog posts, but I haven't yet.

This post was my 2nd disease tag blog and it was a deep dive into another eradicated disease known as Rinderpest, which as the photo suggests only affected cattle. A fun research blog, because eradicated diseases interest me.

After eating at a semi-fancy place and noticing plenty of menu items with truffle something, I started investigating the little root growth and trying to learn more about them.
2020 is arriving and I'll continue to blog weekly. Thanks for reading and heres to another year of blogging.